New day full of boredom.

Well hello again. I just thought of saying hello again since I'm really bored again. -_- So, its the weekend and I have nothing to do and no one to talk to. *forever alone face*
That reminds me, I have tumblr!!! DO you? Cuz if you do, i really really ant you to follow me. I BEG YOU, PLEASE!!!! Just go to the link below and press the follow button at the corner. And if you do that, THANK YOU. And I mean it from my heart, not my mouth. Oh fuck. Now all the shit which my principal says during assembly is stuck in my head. /facepalm/ Why must her advice be so good yet boring!?!?!?!?!?

Ohh so about the thing "from my heart, not my mouth," yeah it's a thingy my principal told us and its stuck in my head. SHe's like "If you ever need to say sorry to someone, say it from the heart, not the mouth" and I'm sitting down like "ZZzzzzzZZzZzzZzZzzzzzZzzzzz" so that's what I do every Monday morning. :D

 What now.....Is that it? Umm....I guess. Ohh right, my phone is fucked up. WHY MUST IT ALWAYS BE SPOILT?!!??! Sorry, I'm just expressing my feelings. :) So, I'm using a cipla Samsung phone. I'm the only human in my school who has it. And what sucks is that, IT IS ALWAYS SPOILT. Yeah, that's all.

Kay bye awesome and lame people ^^ *waves hyperly* Don't forget to see my next post, maybe by tomorrow.

My Tumblr.

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